
Showing posts from May, 2023

"The Future Of Generative AI"

Once, the world was moving in its comfortable routine. But when ChatGPT arrived, everything changed. Uncertainty gripped humanity, forcing them to adapt swiftly. People embraced AI, learning its patterns and adapting for survival. The streets buzzed with humans and machines working hand in hand. The world hummed with a blend of innovation and nostalgia. AI became a tool, not a replacement, as humans held onto their essence. Together, they built a new world, where technology harmonised with humanity. And in this symbiotic dance, they discovered that progress and preservation could coexist, creating a future where survival meant embracing change. This short story written about artificial intelligence is the reflection of the world in the next few decades where the world would be completely different from today's world. The purpose of this very story was to explain the power of Generative AI which is forcing the world to change  its path of development in almost every sec