How to Use Technology Wisely and Responsibly in the Digital and AI Era: A Guide to Digital Literacy.


digital literacy, artificial intelligence
Hello, dear readers. Today, I want to talk to you about a very important topic that affects all of us in this modern and digital world. It is called “digital literacy”. You may have heard this term before, but do you know what it means and why it is so crucial for us to learn and practice it? In this blog post, I will explain to you what digital literacy is, why it is important in today's world, and how it can help us to use technology effectively and responsibly, especially in the context of artificial intelligence (AI).

What is digital literacy?

Digital literacy is the ability to use digital technologies and online environments to find, evaluate, create, and communicate information. It involves a range of skills, such as searching for and assessing the quality of online sources, creating and sharing digital content, collaborating with others online, and staying safe and responsible online.  

Digital literacy is not just about knowing how to use a computer or a smartphone. It is also about understanding how technology works, how it affects our lives, and how we can use it for good purposes. Digital literacy is not a fixed set of skills that you can learn once and forget. It is a dynamic and evolving competence that you need to update and adapt constantly, as technology changes and new challenges arise.

 Why is digital literacy important in today's world?

Digital literacy is important in today's world because it helps us to use technology effectively and responsibly. It also enables us to access information, communicate with others, and participate in various online activities. Some of the benefits of digital literacy are:

  1. It enhances our learning and education by providing us with diverse and rich sources of information and knowledge.  

  2.  It improves our career and employability prospects by equipping us with the skills and competencies that are in high demand in the digital economy.  

  3. It empowers us to express ourselves creatively and share our ideas and opinions with others through various digital media platforms.  

  4. It fosters our critical thinking and problem-solving abilities by enabling us to evaluate and analyze the quality and credibility of online information and content.  

  5. It promotes our digital citizenship and awareness by helping us to understand the ethical and social implications of our online actions and behaviors.   

Digital literacy is essential for navigating and thriving in the ever-changing and increasingly digitized world. It can help us to achieve our personal, academic, and professional goals, as well as to contribute positively to society and the environment.   

How can digital literacy help us to use technology effectively and responsibly, especially in the context of artificial intelligence (AI)?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the science and technology of creating machines and systems that can perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as reasoning, learning, decision making, and perception.  AI is one of the most powerful and influential technologies of our time, and it has many applications and benefits in various fields and domains, such as health, education, entertainment, agriculture, transportation, and security.  

However, AI also poses many challenges and risks, such as ethical, social, legal, and economic issues, as well as potential threats to human rights, privacy, security, and democracy.    Therefore, it is important that we use AI wisely and responsibly, and that we are aware of its impacts and implications on ourselves and others. This is where digital literacy comes in handy.

Digital literacy can help us to use AI effectively and responsibly by enabling us to:

  • Understand the basic concepts and principles of AI, such as how it works, what it can and cannot do, and what are its advantages and limitations.  

  • Recognize the opportunities and challenges of AI, such as how it can improve our lives and society, and how it can also cause harm and injustice.   

  •  Evaluate the quality and reliability of AI systems and products, such as how accurate, fair, transparent, and accountable they are, and how they protect our data and privacy.   

  • Create and use AI systems and products ethically and responsibly, such as how to design, develop, and deploy them in alignment with human values and rights, and how to monitor and control them to prevent and mitigate negative outcomes.   

  •  Communicate and collaborate with AI systems and products effectively and respectfully, such as how to interact, cooperate, and coexist with them, and how to provide and receive feedback and guidance from them.  

Digital literacy can help us to become more informed, empowered, and responsible users and creators of AI, and to ensure that AI serves the common good and respects human dignity.   

 How can we utilize digital literacy in the present context?

The present context is marked by the unprecedented challenges and opportunities posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has disrupted our normal lives and activities, and forced us to adapt to new ways of working, learning, and living. The pandemic has also accelerated the digital transformation of our society and economy, and increased our reliance on technology and AI.  

covid 19, education, technology for profession, society

In this context, digital literacy is more important than ever, as it can help us to cope with the changes and uncertainties, and to leverage the potential of technology and AI to overcome the difficulties and achieve our goals. Some of the ways we can utilize digital literacy in the present context are:

  •  We can use digital literacy to access reliable and relevant information about the pandemic, such as the latest updates, guidelines, and resources, and to avoid misinformation and fake news that can cause confusion and panic.  

  •  We can use digital literacy to continue our education and professional development, by taking advantage of the online courses, platforms, and tools that are available, and by acquiring new skills and knowledge that are relevant and useful for the current and future scenarios.  

  • We can use digital literacy to maintain our social and emotional well-being, by staying connected and supportive with our family, friends, and colleagues, and by engaging in positive and meaningful online activities, such as hobbies, entertainment, and volunteering.  

  • We can use digital literacy to contribute to the recovery and resilience of our society and economy, by participating in the digital and AI initiatives and innovations that are aimed at addressing the challenges and opportunities of the pandemic, and by providing our feedback and suggestions to improve them.  

Digital literacy can help us to make the best use of technology and AI in the present context, and to cope with the crisis in a positive and productive way.  

How does digital illiteracy harm South Asians? 

People from South Asian countries like Nepal face many sufferings because of not knowing about the basic rules while surfing or using the digital world. Some of these sufferings are:

  1. They are vulnerable to cybercrime, such as hacking, phishing, identity theft, fraud, and blackmail, which can cause them financial, personal, and emotional harm.  

  2. They are exposed to cyberbullying, such as harassment, abuse, threats, and humiliation, which can affect their mental health, self-esteem, and safety.  

  3. They are influenced by misinformation, such as fake news, rumors, propaganda, and hate speech, which can mislead them, manipulate them, and incite them to violence and conflict.  

  4. They are deprived of the benefits and opportunities of the digital and AI world, such as access to information, education, health, employment, and participation, which can limit their potential and development.  

  5. They are marginalized and discriminated against in the digital and AI society, such as being excluded, ignored, or exploited, which can violate their rights and dignity.  

People from South Asian countries like Nepal suffer a lot because of not knowing about the basic rules while surfing or using the digital devices, and they need to improve their digital literacy to protect themselves and to empower themselves.

social media platforms, AI, Facebook, Nepal

What are some examples of misuse of various social media platforms in Nepal?

Some examples of misuse of various social media platforms in Nepal are:

  1. Creating and uploading indecent videos of the President and the Prime Minister, which is an offense against the state and the dignity of the leaders. 

  2. Circulating indecent photos and videos via Facebook Messenger, which is an invasion of privacy and a violation of the Electronic Transaction Act. 

  3. Spreading false and inflammatory messages on Twitter, which is a provocation and a disruption of peace and harmony.

  4. Posting abusive and offensive comments on Instagram, which is a harassment and a cyberbullying of the victims. 

These are some examples of misuse of various social media platforms in Nepal, which can have serious legal and social consequences for the offenders and the victims.

Why is it hard to harness digital literacy in  Nepal?

Due to various reasons, many people in Nepal do not have the opportunity to learn about proper digital device usage including:

  1. Lack of infrastructure and resources, such as electricity, internet, devices, and software, which are essential for accessing and using the digital and AI world.  

  2. Lack of education and awareness, such as literacy, numeracy, language, and skills, which are necessary for understanding and using the digital and AI world.  

  3. Lack of policy and regulation, such as laws, standards, and guidelines, which are needed for governing and managing the digital and AI world.  

  4.  Lack of culture and attitude, such as curiosity, openness, and responsibility, which are required for embracing and adapting to the digital and AI world.  

It is hard to harness digital literacy in  Nepal and other south Asian countries, because of these factors, which create barriers and challenges for the people. 

How can we improve digital literacy in these countries?

To improve digital literacy in these countries, we need to take collective and collaborative actions, involving various stakeholders, such as governments, educators, civil society, private sector, and international organizations. Some of the actions that we can take are:

  • We can invest in the infrastructure and resources that are essential for accessing and using the digital and AI world, such as electricity, internet, devices, and software, and ensure that they are affordable, accessible, and inclusive for all.  

  • We can provide education and awareness that are necessary for understanding and using the digital and AI world, such as literacy, numeracy, language, and skills, and ensure that they are relevant, quality, and lifelong for all.  

  •  We can develop policy and regulation that are needed for governing and managing the digital and AI world, such as laws, standards, and guidelines, and ensure that they are ethical, transparent, and accountable for all.  

  • We can foster culture and attitude that are required for embracing and adapting to the digital and AI world, such as curiosity, openness, and responsibility, and ensure that they are positive, supportive, and respectful for all.  

We can improve digital literacy in these countries by taking these actions, which can create opportunities and benefits for the people and the society.


Digital literacy is a vital skill and competence that we all need to develop and practice in this digital and AI-powered world. It can help us to use technology effectively and responsibly, and to benefit from its opportunities and overcome its challenges. Digital literacy can also help us to become more active and engaged citizens, who can participate in and shape the digital and AI society in a positive and democratic way.

I hope this blog post has helped you to understand what digital literacy is, why it is important in today's world, and how it can help us to use technology effectively and responsibly, especially in the context of artificial intelligence (AI). I also hope that this blog post has inspired you to learn more about digital literacy and to improve your own digital literacy skills and competencies.

Stay tuned for more blog posts on digital literacy and AI. Until then, stay safe and stay curious. 😊


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